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The Owl Centre are specialists in providing Speech and Language Therapy in schools. As a SENDCo, you may work closely with Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) at Owl, but do you know what a typical school day looks like? Here’s a brief look at how we support children and collaborate with staff to ensure every child has the best opportunities to thrive.

Start of the Day: Emails and Planning

The day often begins with catching up on school communications and emails. We might respond to queries from parents, teaching staff, or external professionals involved in a child’s care. Once inboxes are managed the plan for the day will be decided where we note which children we’ll see, gather therapy or assessment materials, and review any notes or reports that will guide our sessions.

Classroom Observations

When necessary, we carry out classroom observations. This allows us to see how a child interacts in their learning environment, including how they communicate with peers and adults. Observations can highlight potential barriers to communication and inform practical recommendations for staff.

Therapy and Assessments

The core of our day involves working directly with children. Therapy sessions might focus on improving speech clarity, developing social communication skills, or expanding vocabulary and sentence structure. For some children, we’ll carry out assessments to better understand their needs and tailor our support.

Liaising with Parents and Staff

Communication with parents and teaching staff is a key part of the job. We may call parents to update them on their child’s progress, answer questions, or provide strategies they can use at home. In school, we often meet with teachers or teaching assistants to share practical advice on supporting children in the classroom.

Case Notes and Planning

After each session, we write detailed case notes. These are essential for tracking progress, ensuring continuity of care, and providing evidence for EHCPs or other documentation. Based on the session outcomes, we plan next steps, which could include new goals, additional resources, or adjustments to the therapy approach. Therapy targets are written and shared with staff and parents

Adapting and Problem-Solving

No two days are the same. We frequently adapt plans to accommodate sudden schedule changes or respond to urgent needs. Flexibility is key, as is maintaining a child-centred approach that prioritizes their unique strengths and challenges.

Additional Support We Provide

We can offer a range of additional support to schools, including:

  • Training Opportunities: Providing tailored training sessions, whether one-to-one with teaching assistants or whole-school training, to build staff confidence in supporting communication needs.
  • Supporting Neurodivergent Pupils: Offering guidance and strategies to help neurodivergent pupils thrive in the school environment.
  • Whole-School Audits: Conducting audits to identify and address Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCN) across the school, ensuring a communication-friendly environment for all pupils. This includes delivering and supporting national projects your school and Local Authority may be involved in (e.g. PINS).

Why Does This Matter?

Understanding the work an SLT does in a school day helps SENDCos and other staff appreciate the breadth of our role and how we can support each other for the benefit of the child at the centre. By fostering strong collaboration, we can ensure that every child receives the support they need to succeed.

Need more information?

If you’d like more information on our Speech and Language Therapy services, click here and talk to the team today.