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ADHD Assessments for Adults

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition, which is commonly characterised by signs and behaviours of hyperactivity, inattentiveness, impulsivity or a combination of all three.

ADHD Assessment Process for Adults

There are several different stages as part of your ADHD assessment process.

1. Pre-assessment questionnaires

Our secure system will send you some different questionnaires to complete about your history, strengths and challenges. We will also ask you for details of someone who knows you well such as a relative, partner or close friend to provide some information too. Information gathered from questionnaires is reviewed and analysed by our clinical team before your assessment.

2. QbCheck (if indicated or requested)

QbCheck is a reliable computer-based test designed to objectively measure and assess various aspects of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. It is administered remotely using your computer’s web browser and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Our support team will send you detailed instructions and a voucher code to remotely access the QbCheck test.

3. ADHD Assessment Session

Your clinician will arrange a convenient time and day for a secure online video session using Microsoft Teams with you. You are welcome to have somebody with you for this appointment. This appointment usually takes around 2 hours.

Your assessment session consists of two components.

  • The first part of your session will systematically cover your developmental history but will also cover your medical, psychiatric and educational history. Some individuals may feel comfortable with having a familiar person with them who knew them during early childhood such as a parent/carer or sibling to provide more information on their early life.
  • In the second component, the clinician will ask you questions relating to various daily living elements and focus on ADHD characteristics. The clinician will also ask you about additional topics such as your sleep, mental health and behaviour. In addition to gathering information from you, the clinician will make observations on how you present during the session.

We complete our appointments online. There are many benefits to online assessments, including reduced change of routine, being in a familiar and comfortable environment, reduced communication demand with an online call, and no travel required. We can provide support and strategies to help you access the appointment online if this is something you think you will find difficult. We understand that you might find it difficult to engage in the session, so you are welcome to take regular movement breaks throughout the session.

4. Feedback and Report

After the assessment session, the clinician will agree on an appropriate outcome based on all the information and evidence from all components of the assessment as well as the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-V-TR. Often, we can discuss the assessment feedback and outcome at the end of your assessment session, which will include the diagnostic outcome, a summary of the overall assessment and suggestions for appropriate strategies or interventions that may be beneficial; however, on occasion, we may request additional information from you to help with formulating an outcome.

If this is the case, the clinician will arrange a phone appointment with you at a convenient time. A comprehensive, detailed assessment report will be shared with you within two weeks of the completion of your assessment. You are welcome to have somebody with you for this appointment.

ADHD Assessment Packages

Full assessment (online)

Includes: pre-screening questionnaires, developmental history interview, clinical observation interview, feedback session & comprehensive report with advice, strategies and recommendations.

Full assessment including QbCheck (online)

Includes: pre-screening questionnaires (including school), developmental history interview, clinical observation interview, feedback session, QbCheck assessment & comprehensive report with advice, strategies and recommendations.

More about ADHD





Start your journey

To discover more about our ADHD assessment and therapy services and to find out how we can help you today, get in touch with The Owl Centre.